Rewriting the future of transportation on the Texas A&M University campus.
Texas A&M University’s Campus Transportation Technology Initiative explores new technologies to advance campus transportation operation and future planning priorities. By partnering with companies to bring technologies and innovation to the forefront of the campus transportation ecosystem, the University desires to provide transportation solutions to enhance the quality of life for everyone on campus. Greater mobility. Improved Safety. Enhanced connectivity. More efficient services. These are the goals of this initiative.
A Request for Information (RFI) will remain open until July 31, 2020, aimed at addressing all manner of A&M transportation priorities. These include but aren’t limited to the following subjects:
- Automated vehicles
- Signage and markings
- Connected vehicles
- Parking (including automated and parking assist)
- Electric vehicles
- Data mining and analytics
- Green and sustainable transportation
- Mobility applications (e.g., smartphone)
- Smart intersections
- Incentive programs (e.g., ride sharing)
- Pedestrian mobility and safety
- Last-mile shuttles
- Bicycle mobility and safety
- Transportation as a service
- Transit system safety
- Mobility as a service
- Transit system operational efficiency
- Campus work zones